Personnel Data:

Navigation: Main Menu --> Data Entry (Tab) --> Personnel Details --> Personnel Data (Tab)

Graphic and its Description Usage

Personnel Data:- Miscellaneous detailed information on personnel:

  1. Most items are self-explanatory.

  2. 'Current Employee'. If checked then the person is still employed by Amcor at this site.

  3. The 'Children' check box is purely an indicator. See the Children tab for more information.

  • Enter appropriate data for each box pressing tab or enter to proceed to the next item.
  • Most data is plain alpha-numeric.
  • Some data can be selected from Combo Boxes or Option Groups.
  • Check Boxes are used for some data selections.
  • Remember that empty data boxes, while being allowed, are not useful information for later retrieval and reporting. Be as thorough and complete with data entry as possible.
  • In the 'Health' box use Ctrl-Enter to get a new line.
  • It is good practice to save the record when you finish data maintenance in each tab (sub-page of data) for the current record.